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BhagyaLakshmi Upcoming Story: Malishka hears talks of Lakshmi And Rishi
Bhagyalaxmi Upcoming Story:

Later on Bhagyalaxmi serial episodes, Malishka will catch Lakshmi's voice.

Malishka will understand that Rishi and Lakshmi are together inside the changing room close to hers.

As of not long ago in the Bhagyalaxmi story, Rishi and Malishka show up at a shop for purchasing garments without understanding that Lakshmi is as of now in a similar shop.

Presently according to the serial tattles of Bhagyalaxmi, Malishka will request that Rishi come to his preferred changing region with dresses.

At the point when Rishi glances around, he'll meet Lakshmi in a similar shop.

Lakshmi will let Rishi know that she will attempt a dress.

Rishi trusts that Lakshmi and Malishka don't see one another.

Malishka will catch Rishi conversing with Lakshmi in the changing room and will blow up, as per the spoilers of Bhagyalaxmi.

Allow us to see how will Rishi respond when Lakshmi experiences Malishka, in the upcoming story of the Bhagyalaxmi serial.

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