Akshay Kumar’s career in Bollywood has spanned 26 years and his fans are among the things Akshay has earned in all these years. Everyone knows him by the name of Akkians and Akshay also appreciates his Akkians very much as he knows that these people have brought him to this destination today.

That’s why Akshay has thanked his 20 million followers on Instagram. Even though Akshay is celebrating his 20 million fans today, Akshay would never want to show these pictures of himself to his 20 million people. Today we will show you some weird pictures of Akshay Kumar from the ’90s.
1) Looking at this picture, whether you believe it or not, you will definitely laugh.

2) There was a time when everyone was obsessed with doing weird photoshoots. But today Akshay will be ashamed to see his own photoshoot.

3) In some pictures, Akshay was posing strangely without wearing a shirt, which Akshay himself does not want to see today.

4) What style is this ?:

Akshay Kumar did this photoshoot wearing Nathali, he was much talked about when he did this photoshoot.
5) What do you want to do ?:

Only Akshay knows what he wants to do in this picture. And the nymphs around are also taking this photoshoot very seriously.
6) It seems that Akshay is going to take part in a Tribal Festival, that is why he has made so many preparations.

7) Oh God:

This picture should really be scratched somewhere. That means he may not even know what Akshay wants to do.
8) Seeing such pictures of Akshay might make you laugh too. However Akshay is trying to look very serious.

9) Looking at these pictures of Akshay, you will come up with this idea first.

10) In this picture, handsome Akshay is seen floating his hair.

11) Fantastic dress:

Akshay’s dress looks very strange in this picture.
12) You will also want to ask Akshay what he is wearing.

13) Akshay Kumar will be ashamed to see these pictures of himself.

14) After seeing this picture, nothing is left.

15) Only Akshay can understand what it was like to wear button-down pants.

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