When we were broken, they picked us up. When we were sad, they cheered us up. And, when we couldn’t trust ourselves, they pushed us to believe in our dreams. Fathers are the pillars of our lives and sadly, we hardly appreciate them for what they do.
As father’s day is around the corner, here are some of the best Bollywood scenes that show how special fathers are.
1. Fathers Who Taught Us To Be Our Own Person

2. Fathers Who Fought Against Regressive Norms For Us

3. Fathers Who Stood By Us No Matter What

4. Fathers Who Taught Us To Fight Against Unfair Society

5. Fathers Who Are Our Biggest Cheerleaders

6. Fathers Who Let Us Lead Our Lives Our Way

7. Fathers Who Raised Us To Respect Ourselves

8. Fathers Who Inspired Us To Fight For Our Dreams

We want to celebrate these thankless souls, who strive so hard, to make sure we get the best.
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